The Roots of Civilization: Caregiving

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; for indeed, that’s all who ever have.” — Margaret Mead

Anthropologist Margaret Mead once described to a college class what she found to be the first sign of cultural civilization. To the surprise of many students, the answer wasn’t clay pots, or fishing hooks, or hunting arrows. The earliest evidence of civilization, she said, was a 15,000 year old skeleton with a healed femur that […]

Caring for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s: Resources

When your loved one receives a diagnosis for Dementia or Alzheimer’s, it can be a shock to them and you. They may believe they’re completely fine and their doctor is a liar, you know you’re about to turn your world upside down to help them however you can. As the person falling into this role […]

Mental Health Tips for Caregivers

mental health illustration

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so we thought we could share some tips and tricks specifically for caregivers maintaining their mental health on top of all other responsibilities. Here’s a few tried and true necessities:    Stress ball. Sounds basic, but it’s helpful to have a coping tool that can expel anxious energy. When […]

Caregiver Chronicles: Hands and Self-Worth

Caregiver and elder holding hands

Words from a caregiver on the cultural fear of aging and becoming dependent on others.   A few years ago, I met a new client who was starting to feel the effects of Dementia. As we sat and talked, she asked me the same set of questions over and over. “Do you live around here?” […]